My New Normal

I have learned, after 30+ years of dealing with M.S. and the multitude of crazy symptoms, that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was or could be.

My faith has meant the most to me

I have learned that I have a very strong faith and that my personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is what sustains me and helps me to get through even my worst, pain-filled days. I have learned that I cannot do everything as I used to be able to, but I have learned to be grateful and feel blessed for all of the things I am capable of doing no matter how often that actually is. I have learned to compensate in many ways, but also to accept when there is no way to do so.

Having grace with myself has become paramount

I have also learned to accept that most days, very few things will be completed. And that they will just have to be moved to the next day’s list. Or the next day’s list. Or even the next. Being able to mark just one or two things off that list makes me feel so much better about myself. I have learned I can accomplish things, it just might take me a little longer than most people, but I have learned that that is ok. And I have learned to accept the fact that there are some things that I just can’t see well enough or have enough energy to do or clean anymore, such as the floors, bathtubs, or a multitude of other household chores that I can no longer do well or often enough. But it is ok. I am no longer embarrassed when people visit, and my house is a mess. I have come to realize that the ones that matter will understand, and the ones that don’t understand just don’t matter. This is my new normal, and I have become very proud of what I am able to do with Christ, who gives me the strength I need to do it. (Philippians 4:13)

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