Of All the Things MS Has Robbed Me of, This Is the Most Important One of All

I recently got a call from my son asking if I could come down to Florida and help with my granddaughter for a few days due to him having to go out of town for a work conference, and of course I said yes right away! Why? Because that's what grandma's do.

His grandmother (my mom) always watched him when I needed her, and being a single parent I needed her a lot. She would always do fun and exciting things with him. They would go everywhere together, shopping, movies, out to eat, visiting friends, school functions, to the beach. My mom has always been a go, go, go person. Those are memories he will have the rest of his life.

My experience

For me, I was robbed of being that kind of grandparent, the kind that could do all of those things with their grandchild.

I was already (newly) diagnosed and not working when I got the news of being a grandmother so I was excited and thought of all the stuff I would do with her just like my mom did with my son. I still was in denial of what I could and couldn't do.

She is now 5 and with each passing year reality slaps me in the face harder and harder!

I'm having trouble keeping up

MS robbed me of being able to do all those awesome things my mom did with my son. Even small things like taking her to the store is mentally and physically draining on me. She loves to play pretend with her dolls, barbies and stuffies and it takes all I have to keep up with her. The old me would have ran her ragged but the new me can't even keep up with her on FaceTime!

Of all the things MS has robbed me of, this is the most important one of all...being a grandparent that is able to do all of the fun things grandparents do with their grandkids.

I cherish the times I have the energy

I do cherish every moment with her and of course I still try to keep up with her but her parents have told her that I am fragile and that I can't do a lot which makes her sad some times, BUT the times that I have the energy to take her to the park or to her favorite store or play pretend with her I will always cherish.

MS may have robbed me of being a go, go, go grandparent but it will never rob me of BEING a grandparent.

I know our lives with MS are very different from what they use to be, I'm sure everyone of you can attest to that. These days I am learning to live with the "new" me and do what I can when I can and when I can't, well, I still try when it comes to her.

Looking forward, this is my goal

My goal this year is to embrace the new me and let the old me go...because the new me has some great stuff to offer, just in a different way.

What is the most important thing in your life that MS has robbed you of?

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read my story. I wish you all a great new you!

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