Fighting Strong With What Gives You Strength
Hearing the words “you have multiple sclerosis” is nothing that a person wants to hear. When you are informed of that diagnosis, it’s comforting that what symptoms you are having makes sense but yet so scary at the same time because of not knowing what the future holds for you.
The journey I've been on
It has only been a year and a half since I heard those words. Yes, it has not been an easy road, but it's also been a new life-changing experience, and I will continue to fight and keep finding the good in it all. I lost feeling in my legs, left struggling not to be able to walk for several months, along with 80% of the other symptoms the disease brings. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason, and as a wife and mother of 2 beautiful children, I continue to fight every day. Without my husband, I would have given up so much faster. But he is my rock and continues to encourage me to keep finding the joy in life.
Finding what gives me joy
Finding something that you can enjoy to help relax and show your true “you” will be so helpful to keep pushing forward. For me, I learned to crochet and continue making new things from yarn because I enjoy it especially deciding on colors and patterns. I find that it relieves stress and it allows me to challenge myself. Even though some days it feels more of a struggle to do the things you enjoy, keep pushing forward because those are things that make you feel that you have a purpose in life and to keep fighting!
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