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April and the Wahl's Protocol

I eat to conquer my PPMS symptoms. That’s about all I do, and go to the bathroom when I’m not eating, or reading, or exercising or sleeping. I’m working through the Dr. Terry Wahl’s Protocol with Dr. Folake Taylor online in her Mastery Class with 27 other women scattered around the US. We are in week 11 that will cover more weeks, depending on our bodies and devouring 9 cups of veggies and fruits per day. We also consume over twenty-five plus supplements, water, green or hibiscus tea and deep breaths. The protocol includes watching/ reading text in modules covering essential information about the research behind all of this with additional studies and books. There’s Q & A zoom meetings and private messaging with Dr. Taylor. Yes, this is a monumental task but I look forward to the day when my symptoms fade away as my body repairs itself in the coming months.
Since I have Primary Progressive MS and have never been on a Disease Modifying Therapy, I was able to get five infusions of Rituximab, have been gluten free since 2015, use Intermittent Fasting (10 yrs.) and now dairy free this year. I also eat lots of nuts and seeds with a daily ritual that begins with a green vegetable smoothie made with Moringa powder, a large salad with more fruits and vegetables for lunch and cooked vegetables with fish or chicken for dinner. Before Covid, I received LLLT (laser therapy) from a chiropractor every other week which produced very good results. High dose biotin therapy for two years got rid of ‘MS hugs’. I’ve tried what I can on my own. As you can see, I’m tired of all the MS daily walking, thinking, typing/working with my left hand only, toileting trouble.
I wrote extensively in 2016 on being diagnosed and all the different research I read about and alternative therapies. This will hopefully be the last journaling I do on multiple sclerosis.

  1. I'm glad the Wahl's protocol is still working so well for you, ! I know you've been a member here for years, so I appreciate that you did this update. It's hopeful news that this protocol has been a good fit for you and offering noticeable results. I like that you are open to some conventional treatments, along with more unconventional treatments. While I don't know where I fully stand on whether diet can sure disease, I sure know a healthy diet can do remarkable things.

    Thanks for the update and I would be interested to read one more update after you finish your course, if you would like to update us.

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

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