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Bowl for a cure

Hey everyone... My name is Patti and I am with a company called Explosive Productions (DJ company) we have teamed up with the Insane Riders to hold a benefit for a Federal Police Officer from Fort Dix NJ who is in the advanced stages of MS and Lupus. He has a 4 year old daughter and a 7 month old son and is no longer able to work and does not qualify for state disability. Here are the details of the event in case any of you would love to come.

Date: October 12, 2013
Time: 3pm-7pm
Place: The Lanes at Sea Girt Highway 35 Wall NJ
Donation Price: $25 for adults, $10 for children 6-12 and 5 and younger are free.. This price gives you unlimited bowling from 3-7pm.

We will also have (as long as the rain holds off) a bike and car show, and a DJ outside. INSIDE we will have another one of our DJ's mixing up the music with bowling, cash bar, snack bar, raffles, face painting for the kids as well as much much more... Please come show your support for a wonderful man who before he was a cop served his county protecting our freedom... Thank you all for you time today....

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