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Diagnosed with MS in 2020

I was diagnosed in 2020 after seeing a cardiologist a neurologist
In 2021 I took a year of Coxen and so absolutely no difference. I moved down south and I saw a new Neurologist who ordered an MRI with them without Without contrast, the results showed that I’m not active, but I’m having trouble with my right leg being spastic when I walk. Her diagnosis says I’ll see you in a year. She hasn’t mentioned medication or anything. What should I do? I’m really lost.

  1. I feel for you. I can't give medical advice, but I will say that there are medications for spasticity. I would recommend requesting an appointment (in person or virtual) and limiting the conversation to the spasticity. Request a trial prescription based on your needs. I'm currently hoping for the same with my next appointment.

    Wishing the best for you!! 💜💜

    1. Hi
      I’m not sure who I ask? This was my second visit to the same neurologist and all she told me was that I’m not active. Never mentioned any medication‘s at all so I’m not sure who I would ask. Maybe my GP? I’m really navigating this by myself in a little ignorant maybe when it comes to this, but thanks so much for responding.

      1. if it was me, I would ask my GP first. They will tell you if you have to take your request to your neurologist. And they may be able to get you a PT or OT to work with in addition to medication options. I'm still working on getting a diagnosis myself, but in my experience it never hurts to ask. Wishing you all the best, and let us know how it goes if you are comfortable sharing 💜💜

    2. thank you so much!! I’m comfortable sharing.

      1. - are you on a preventative medication for the MS in general? If you aren’t I’d definitely talk to your neurologist that, and maybe try to get a second opinion at another neurologist. I’m not sure where you live but there are neuros who specialize in MS. Here’s a link to a place to help you find one:

        Good luck!!!

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