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Does Medicare pay for Ocrevus?

Does medicare pay for Ocrevus? Is it difficult to get medicare to approve Ocrevus? I have been stable on Ocrevus for 3yrs now. I am trying to get SSDI to get medicare.

  1. Hi . I found this on the Ocrevus website: "If you have Medicare Part B and supplemental insurance, most or all of your OCREVUS costs will be covered by the plan. If you have Medicare Advantage, plan designs and out-of-pocket expenses may vary depending on your other healthcare expenses and whether you have hit your out-of-pocket maximum." You can also give this organization a try: I hope this helps ease your mind a bit. Have you hired a lawyer to help you get SSDI? The system can be complicated and it's not usual to be rejected the first few times when you apply on your own. A lawyer who specializes in disability claims can push it through faster. They will often work for a percentage of the settlement so you don't have to pay them up front. Sending the very best of wishes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

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