I am an avid experiementer of diet, exercise, supplements, testing for general wellbeing. I've ready hundreds of nutrition books, digested and been a guinea pig of my own making from extreme protocols. Through trial and error I've found a sweet spot of living my best life.
I do not have MS. Yet, and hopefully never will.
My interest began in my teens when my mother was dignosed with MS. She had probably the worse progressive MS of anyone I know. I lived through that. It's shaped my interest in health.
Sadly, my brother recently has been diagnosed with MS. I have all the generic markers for MS and fully anticipate this will affect me in the future years also.
Meanwhile, the reason for this post to is to ask who on this journey takes it up to the next level? Who goes beyond the NICE, FDA, pharmaceutical clinical trials, doctor recommendations, challenges convention and explores their own optimum lifestyle and is willing to share that insight without fear of censorship, while also respecting peoples values and their own choices?
I have questions on what is popular among those with MS about their protocol and what works for them, or hasn't worked. From extreme to non extreme. Be it high dose benfothiamine to Taurine, the stamets stack to meditation. Feel free to reach out to me.