Active todayMS and family/friends. Do they "get it" and how has that impacted you?Being diagnosed with MS can be pretty alienating. At times, it feels like you can only "get" MS if you get MS. Sometimes, no matter how much someone who doesn't...Reactions0reactionsComments14 repliesAwarenessFriends & FamilyIntimacy & Relationships
Active todayWhat kind of cognitive changes have you had because of MS?Cognitive problems are something I discuss often (when my brain allows it). I suffer from memory issues, trouble concentrating, word finding, difficulty reading, general fogginess, and a number of other...Reactions0reactionsComments98 repliesSymptomsCopingAwareness
Active todayWeird Symptoms I have been experiencing this weird sensation of my upper arms feeling like sweat is running down them and there isn’t. Then I received an MS newsletter bringing up this...Reactions0reactionsComments5 repliesSymptomsAwareness
Active 3 days agoHow Does MS Awareness Month Make You Feel?March is here and that means it's MS Awareness Month. This is our time to highlight our illness and share it with others. In my opinion, it's super important because...Reactions0reactionsComments11 repliesAwareness
Active 8 days agoWhat are some tips for m.s and menopause Hi guys, I'm hoping someone has a tip for me. As you all know, m.s, heat and sweating are not good, so, does anyone have any tips about going through...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesAwareness
M.S. clawI was working security, driving arou.d and I got dizzy, my speech was impaired, and my right hand rolled up weird, my hand put you I. Mind of a claw...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSymptomsAwareness
Noise sensitivity I've always thought my reactions to noise sprung from the child abuse I suffered. Maybe it's been MS all along....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsAwareness
MS & Comorbidities! How do your other medical issues combined with your MS impact you?Many people who live with Multiple Sclerosis also end up having other health issues. These health issues combined with MS can present some unique challenges. I'd love to hear about...Reactions0reactionsComments81 repliesCopingAwarenessSymptoms
Experimental self health diary and testingI am an avid experiementer of diet, exercise, supplements, testing for general wellbeing. I've ready hundreds of nutrition books, digested and been a guinea pig of my own making from...Reactions0reactionsComments0 repliesAwareness
We can be at a gathering of peopleAnd all of a sudden, I think everyone’s talking about me, my leg starts to shake my arm shake. And then all of a sudden, I’ll say something really stupid....Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSymptomsAwareness