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Falling In Public

Ever have a fall in public? Ever caused a major commotion because of a fall?
Well, I was at my partner’s niece’s Wedding just this past weekend and wiped out at the buffet table. I was trying to be so careful and wasn’t even trying to get my plate. I was standing at the salad table and the next thing I knew, I was going down. I tried catching myself on the buffet table (I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch myself, but I had to try!) On the way down, I thought, this is going to hurt. That tile floor was cold and hard. My parter was right there and others jumped in the help. Everyone was so nice and were very concerned about me. I had salad dressing all over my pants. My partner wiped off what he could and got me back to my seat. He was very shaken by the incident and felt really bad that he couldn’t prevent my fall. I was extremely embarrassed and am still not quite sure what happened to make me fall. My balance is really bad and I have foot drop in my left foot and the hip flexor on my left leg does not work. I rely on a cane to get around. So heck, it could have been almost anything.

Anyone else have a story about an embarrassing fall?

  1. thanks for being willing to share this story with us. I'm sorry that you experienced the fall and the emotions that can often come along with it. It's always helpful to reach out to this community as it's one that many can certainly relate with. I'm sure others will join this conversation, but in the meantime, I wanted to share this article with you. It was written awhile ago but it still very relevant. There's also a discussion from fellow members in the comment section below that you might find helpful/relatable.

    I hope that you were also able to find some time to enjoy the wedding, and it sounds like you have a truly caring partner by your side.
    Alene, Moderator

    1. ,
      I too am anxious to hear the many stories to come.
      In the meantime, how are you doing after this fall?
      I mean (besides a bit embarrassed) how are you physically?
      As I was reading along with your post, all I could imagine was the whole buffet table coming down with I guess it could have been much worse. lol
      All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

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