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Fed up

I just need to blow off. Sorry
Did my MRI it was clear but the machine is not a T3 did my lumbar puncture but my next appointment isn’t till feb 28 for my GP DR. The neurologist called and set appointment for OCT
I researched the neurologist and his specialty is epilepsy
I am so upset I think I will just drop the hole thing. I am taking lyrics 25 mg per day don’t know will I go through withdrawal if I go cold turkey

  1. It stinks, I'm sorry. Don't drop this and don't go cold turkey. Find a neurologist who specializes in MS. The MS Society will help you find one through this link:

    Good luck!

    1. I am so sorry. That is so frustrating. Please do not apologize for coming here to vent- we are always happy to listen! I would be sure to reach out to the doctor is who prescribing the medication about safely discontinuing it. I am glad to see cricket18 shared the link for finding a neurologist through the national MS society, and I strongly encourage you to follow up and find another doctor! You deserve relief. Reach out if you need anything and always know we are here to listen and understand. Keep us posted if you are comfortable. Sending thoughts your way! Warmly, Erin T. (team member)

      1. I can just hear how frustrated you are about all this. I encourage you to not give up on your efforts on trying to find the best solution that is going to bring you closer to finding relief as you manage and cope with everything you have to deal with. It's certainly an up and down hill battle in this journey, but you deserve relief like Erin said. We are all rooting for you and hoping things turn around for you soon. We're hear to support you and to let you know you're not alone. Ii is my wish that I will hear a success story soon from you in the near future. Stay encouraged, Latoya (Team Member)

        1. Where do you live? It would be worth the effort to find someone who specializes in MS & related conditions. If you tell us where you live, someone may be able to suggest a specialist in your area.

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