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Has anyone tried stem cell therapy?

What is your experience with it? I am skeptical about the whole procedure, but there seems to be no other option at the moment.

  1. No I have not.

    1. Hi tmntmz! I do believe that a couple of community members have tried Stem Cell Therapy, with varying levels of success. Here is some information on the current research into this potential treatment -- and Here is a recent member post on stem cell therapy -- And here is an older post from a member that participated in a clinical trial -- I hope this information gives you some sense of how to proceed with your treatment options. As always, pleas make sure, should you choose this route, that you use a reputable medical facility and licensed, reputable physicians. Good luck! Best, Erin, Team Member.

      1. I have not tried it, but I’m interested in getting the information from people who have.

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