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MS and family/friends. Do they "get it" and how has that impacted you?

Being diagnosed with MS can be pretty alienating. At times, it feels like you can only "get" MS if you get MS. Sometimes, no matter how much someone who doesn't have MS reads about the disease, it can still feel like they don't understand. That's if they take the time to try, not everyone takes the time to learn about our illness and that can be frustrating.

I am somewhat lucky (if you can call it that) that many of my family and friends had some knowledge of MS because my grandfather had it and we cared for him. Even with that knowledge, I have still experienced issues with them (having to cancel often and also not traveling much has been problematic at times and make me pretty bummed). I've done my best to educate them over the years (usually by sending articles from this very site) and I think that has certainly helped them understand more. So I can't imagine what it must be like to have someone not take the time to learn even the basics of MS.

So how about you? Do your friends/family understand your MS? Have they taken the time to learn? Have you helped them learn? How has their attitude toward your illness impacted you?

    1. I have allowed myself to become self isolated pretty much. I worked full time for nine years after my diagnosis. Been on disability for the past three. My boss at the time of my original diagnosis understood, somewhat, the changes I was going through and allowed me much leeway at work. Unfortunately, the last 4 years of work found me with a new boss that didn’t necessarily believe I was sick. He moved me to a new location over a hours drive from my home. That’s when I took my neurologist advice and went on disability. Nobody truly understands the mental aspect of MS, and I can’t seem to explain it correctly. Thus, I stay home a lot and don’t really want to engage with anyone. Far cry from who I was before MS. I know I need to change my attitude toward people. Maybe someday soon I will.

      1. Thank you so sharing your journey and experience! I hear you - the mental aspect of MS is very difficult. That coupled with the life changes MS can bring is challenging and it takes time to find a new balance that fits into your life. Take your time in doing so! It’s all about finding what works best for you. Warmly, Sam (Team Member)

    2. They are still clue less still after all the information I have given them . And then they see me and ask wondering why I’m walking funny. The body cramps the tremors. It’s very tiring

      1. My husband has been extremely supportive with me, for which I am grateful. My adult children seem to get it sometimes and other times not so much. Extended family and friends only a few seem to understand. I find what is most important is that I GET IT! So I can best decide what my ability is and what I can do to help myself through out each day. What I share and with whom.

        1. I love your message so much, specifically, the part of "I find what is most important is that I GET IT! So I can best decide what my ability is and what I can do to help myself throughout each day." Heck yeah. Say it louder for the people in the back!! You might have made this my new mantra moving forward. I love that you clearly know your self-worth and advocate for yourself. That's incredible. Please know your words have made an impact on me, so thank you! 🧡 Kayleigh, team

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