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How are you doing? Really?

I have an amazing person in my life, she's my mini-me. We share the same name (Christina) and were both born at the same hospital completely across the country five years apart. We end up working at the same company 30 years later. She's become my soul sister.

All of this is to preface my experience. When I first started experiencing my disequilibrium, I was speaking with her and stumbled while standing still. And she was so concerned, I opened up to her and told her the entire story and that I was going for testing for MS. And her mom, who lives with her has MS, so she is familiar.

Now, when she sees me, she'll ask how I am. And I always say that I'm fine, or living large, or loving life. And she stops me (gently) and asks 'but how are you really '. And that single move, that moment of genuine concern, is an entire universe of emotion.

And today, I am so grateful for it and wanted to share. Then ask all of you - how are you doing today, for real? It's important to feel heard and be acknowledged through it all.

Much love and support ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  1. this is such a beautiful story! Thanks for taking the time to share it. I love the people in our life who can look us in the eyes and ask for an honest response to this question. It speaks right to the heart. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's responses. It's always great to hear from each of our fellow community members as they each help to tell the story of the the bigger picture living with MS.

    I am happy to say that today, I am doing well. I had a tough summer with this heat, but I am feeling so much better with the cooler temps. I'm also starting to incorporate some more exercise back into my routine, and that's something that I've missed for a while now.
    Alene, Moderator

    1. I absolutely love that you are feeling better today! And I'm sorry that this summer was rough for you. Exercise is something that I used to turn to when I had a problem to work out or something stressing me out, and I haven't quite figured out safe exercises to start working back in to my days, so I am over the moon that you're getting that back in your life! Thank you for sharing, it can be hard sometimes to really do that.

      I am hoping to get out this fall, it was rougher this summer than I anticipated. But living in the Pacific Northwest, we have some absolutely stunning autumn foliage and there are a few easy treks that I think I can manage.

      I'm wishing you all the best! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

  2. What a heartfelt story! Itโ€™s incredible how a connection like that can make such a difference. It sounds like Christinaโ€™s empathy and understanding really shines through, especially given her own familyโ€™s experience. Itโ€™s rare to have someone who genuinely checks in and sees beyond the surface. We all need a Christina!

    But I'm doing okay. My mind races a lot and I always feel like I need to do something or I'll feel behind. But I'm learning to stop and rest whenever my body tells me, the first time. I hope to get back to working out soon as that always makes me feel better. Thanks so much for asking and encouraging us all to express our true feelings. Wishing you all the best, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. I always love seeing your responses! And I agree, everyone needs at least one Christina! I'm grateful that, on the bad days, I can open up and tell her... and she doesn't try to fix it. She understands that a lot of times there really aren't any fixes. So she just listens, suggests something if appropriate, and tells me she loves me. Then we move on. And she has the same in me. She talks to me about her Mom and about the things she is going through as a caregiver to a long time warrior, while being a mother of two and amazing at work.

      I can relate to the mind racing, that is something I've always experienced but now is not the strength that it once was for me. I seem to find myself caught in circling thoughts... like obsessing over a task at hand, forgetting that I've already figured it out, and going back to it. Does that happen for you?

      I'm so happy that you are learning a better language with your body, and giving yourself the grace to stop when you need to. I hope that you are able to safely incorporate exercise back into your life. I'm sending you my strength and support! Thank you for sharing, and I am wishing you all the best! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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