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How do you plan on spending the Memorial Day holiday?

Holidays can be a wonderful time filled with joy, family gatherings, and special traditions, but they can also be quite stressful, especially when dealing with MS. How do you typically spend your holidays, and what strategies do you use to manage any stress or health conditions during this time?

Special thanks to all the veterans for your selfless service and dedication to our country! Happy Memorial Day!

Latoya (Team Member)

  1. Absolutely. Thanks to our brave veterans, especially on Memorial Day to honor them.

    1. I want to take the time to first send heartfelt thanks to all the veterans for their your selfless and diligent protection of our country!

      Socializing with a high number of people is often stressful, my brain fog and fatigue makes it hard to actively participate in conversations. I make an appearance and then quickly retreat to the privacy of my bedroom.

      1. , I hear you!

        Summer is the time for get-togethers, whether it's graduation parties, weddings, cookouts, or holiday get-togethers like Memorial Day. It's a LOT! Especially if it drains your energy.

        I hope you are able to make your appearances and get home before you are completely worn out!

        Best, Erin, Team Member.

      2. I'm right there with you! Socializing can require a lot of energy and my social battery isn't always charged before engaging with others. But making appearances is still showing great effort because it shows that you still want to be there. I hope you got to mingle even if it was just for a little bit and got some rest as well. Thanks for sharing! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

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