This is a long post, as I hope you have patience to read it all.
In 2022, I went to the first of 4 neurologists, who after I underwent 2 MRI's, gave me no substantive information from the report. And so I waited 16 month to see #2, who sent me for 5(stat) MRI's. As a result, and upon not hearing from him (remember, he ordered stat MRI's) for 34 days, he told me he wanted me to go to an MS clinic, because of a possible demyelination issue and he wanted torule it out. But as this particular MS clinic is a
fair distance, I chose to see neurologist #3 at a local hospital. # 3 just told me without any testing
that he didn't believe it could BE MS, and suggested Parkinson's trial medication. At this point, I am
pulling my hair out over drs who have each been to college 13 years, to BECOME neurologists. And
so, onto #4. #4 , in my opinion, after sending me for a carotid doppler, told me there was nothing serious, I am now at a standstill.Keep in mind that none of the 4 doctors asked me
anything about family history. I mean, how do you see 4 doctors who don't talk to you about family history, even if it IS in your chart?
So, now I am beginning month #29, and no diagnosis.
But in all honesty, I don'r feel as though I have fallen
through a crack, because I AM, indeed the CRACK....
Carl Beigle