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If not MS...then what?

Hi Guys,
I am not diagnosed M.S. but it has come up with my GP. Although I have had a clear C.T, I am being referred to a neurologist and waiting for an MRI. I don't THINK I have M.S, but, I know I have a lot of symptoms. However, my symptoms are not getting in the way of my leading a normal life per se. They are more annoying than anything I guess and cause discomfort but not a lot of pain. I read on another post that if it isn't affecting your life significantly, it likely isn't MS. So, I have been optimistic. But that leaves me wondering what else it could be then? I know a lot of people post here pre-MRI and Lumbar Puncture, so I was wondering from those who haven't been diagnosed, what ended up being the cause of your symptoms. Also, wondering if my symptom pattern sounds like those who are diagnosed MS. I have had anxiety and B12 deficiency ruled out.

To date, my most pressing symptom is tingling, particularly in the scalp that has been chronic for months, and has now moved throughout the right side of my body, particularly my right thigh and right arm. My brain often feels as if it's vibrating or shaking, but this comes and goes, unlike the tingling. I drop EVERYTHING and don't trust myself to even hold a coffee. One of my pupils is bigger than the other and I get blurred vision but it only lasts a moment. I do not have Optic Neuritis . I have a bad case of brain fog that comes and goes. I blank out on peoples names whom I have worked with for years, I forget what I am saying, I mix up words, I can't type or spell anymore and my handwriting is awful. My legs and right arm feel like jelly. I walk fine but feel off. I seem to misjudge distance. For instance, I was putting clothes in dryer today and went to high and really hurt my hand by hitting the top, I misjudged my step yesterday and fell over my ankle. I have pins and needles a lot but they go when I switch positions but quickly come back within a minute or two. I get little jolts/itches on my back, feet and fingers that literally make me scream sometimes, which is embarrassing. My hand dexterity is definitely declining. I wet myself the other day at a restaurant and didn't know it until I stood up. Thank goodness it was dimly lit and I has a long coat. I know that's a lot of symptoms, but I also read that someone with MS likely won't have ALL the symptoms, which I seem too!
I am 40 years old and an educator so while I am not in pain and I feel my gait/mobility is fine for the most part, I do feel like like it is impacting my work life in terms of articulation and speech.
The clear C.T is also keeping me hopeful. But I am concerned with what it could be and what others found out to be the cause of their symptoms.
Apologies for the long post.

  1. Hi . You must be awfully overwhelmed and anxious given all the symptoms you are experiencing. I am glad you have a doctor who is continuing to push for answers and sending you to a neurologist. MS presents differently in everyone, which is why they call it the "snowflake" disease. That makes it difficult to compare one person's symptoms or progression to anyone else's. Many people with MS are not impacted significantly on a daily basis, so that theory doesn't really hold true. Symptoms tend to flare on certain days for everyone with MS and hit hard in bouts for people with relapsing/remitting MS. In between major relapses and minor flares, some people with MS can have stretches with no symptoms as all. People with progressive forms of MS will always experience some symptoms, but the severity can vary from day-to-day. CT scans don't always show lesions. An MRI will tell the neurologist a lot more. However, there are several other health conditions that can mimic MS though and should be ruled out. Here is an article that lists them: It can take a while to get an appointment with a neurologist. In the meantime, maybe you can take this list to your doctor and ask for a few other tests. For instance, you doctor should be able to order a test for Lyme disease. That can help narrow things down a bit. I really hope you get answers soon so you can address your symptoms. If your symptoms ever worsen to a point where you feel unsafe or afraid, please go to the ER and let them know your doctor suspects MS. They might do an MRI right then. Please keep us posted if you are comfortable doing so. I will be thinking of you. Sending the very best of wishes your way along with a bunch of gentle hugs. - Lori (Team Member)

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