Hi all,
I hope everyone is doing well. I am dating a girl with MS. She was diagnosed 2 years ago. She’s an amazing girl! Smart, ambitious and quite frankly she’s extremely fit. She can wake up and go for a 10 mile run like it’s nothing.
There are times she feels extremely lethargic. The reason why I am making this post is to perhaps start a conversation regarding early detection of these periods. Honestly, I’m not even sure how to describe this, but there are times where I can smell this particular scent she gives off and sure enough those are the days where she feelings terrible.
Has anyone experienced this? I’m not trying to be too forward, but I’m also one of those people that can smell pheromones. I can smell a certain scent when she’s in the mood to do private things. But this particular scent is different. It’s almost like a scent of chemicals.