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How has MS impacted exercise or bodily movement for you?
Are there exercises or movements that seem to work really well for you and, alternatively, some movements that are difficult to do now?
Have you had to modify any movements? If so, how?
How do you set yourself up for success when moving your body?
CommunityMember814 Member
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I live alone so I clean my whole apt by myself. Dust run sweeper and washing dishes after cooking. I also do all my grocery shopping. Driving myself still to go grocery shopping. Pick up medicine. Go to my Dr Apts. That is about all I can manage right now. After grocery shopping I always take a day or 2 off. Stay in and rest up. I am retired. 70 years old. Female.
MSWarrior99 Member
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CommunityMember4c576d Member
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CommunityMember5f31fb Member
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I have an eliptical machine. A PT said to go 2mi one level 2mi higher level so I go 2mi level5 -2mi level 7 -repeat next -2 mi level 8. Started at levels 2 and 4 so I am getting stronger. Also in AC. Stepper 50 steps, several other to work on knees, ankles, and hips
Samantha Salvaggio Member
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Therry Neilsen Member
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hit. We work out together with video chat and it is so great to be accountable to another person. He knows so much and he's such a good guy! I'm 76 and I've had MS since 1978. If it weren't for working with Aaron, I'd be a basket case!
I do cardio on a rowing machine recommended by my chiropractor. It cost $125 off Craigslist and it fits in my home office. I have weights at home too so we can work on strength balance and flexibility. MS did a number brain but I'm fortunate to be. Very easily pleased. Apparently my mesocorticolimbic structures ( I looked it up!) are still in good shape!
Frank S Member
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My usual excercises are walking in the pool. Riding a stationary bicycle.
Using a rowing machine or riding my 3 wheel bike at the beach. Doe I have the energy and balance.
shi152 Member
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Erin Rush Community Admin
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Best, Erin, Team Member.
Therry Neilsen Member
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Frank S, you said the magic words: ROWING MACHINE! My chiropractor recommended the rowing machine to me when I was looking for a cardio machine to have at home. We found one on Craigslist and I have it set up in our guest room/my painting studio. I find it absolutely brilliant to use -- I love the way it enables me to get a good fifteen minutes of intense exercise at the beginning of my workout, and it's almost impossible to use it WRONG. admittedly, I did once get my feet tangled up in the one at the gym, and fell off it, producing my first and only sports injury.
I've been working out for about thirty years. When I first started working with a trainer, she had me use a recumbent bike for about a year until I was strong enough to use the TREADMILL. ( I know...recovering couch potato here).
Do you do other exercises? I do some repetitive balance exercises, including standing on one leg and holding my knee to my chest for ten seconds at a time, and I also do Warrior 3, where you stand on one leg and hold you free leg out behind you -- I can hold that one for about ten seconds. And then there's the resistance training and those infernal PLANKS. it's all about balance strength flexibility and endurance, but it's keeping my mind working.
Anyway, it's always good to find another rowing machine fan! Good luck, and enjoy the ride!
Therry, a Team Member
Mary Pettigrew Member
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Therry Neilsen Member
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