Hello All!
Last June I began having itching and a tingling feeling of my tongue, my PCP noted low vitamin b12 so we assumed all symptoms related to that. In late October I had The nagging feeling that there was something stuck in my shoe at work but nothing was ever there. That feeling progressed to a tingling that over the next few days led to tingling and weakness in my entire L arm and L leg. I am a registered nurse and coincidentally work in Neurology, so I made an appointment with a Neuro who ordered a brain/spine MRI. The MRI showed lesions on my brain, but none on my spine and no other tests (besides my physical exam) showed anything. I currently have what my doctor calls a “working diagnosis” of RRMS, stating she believes we caught things so early that nothing else is showing up. At this time my physical exam shows 4/5 strengths on my L side with hyperteflexia in all areas and a positive Hoffman’s sign on the left. I’ve recently noticed the hyperreflexia seems to be getting worse, it seems that something can hit my leg slight heavier than a normal touch and it causes a reflex reaction. I’ve also started having muscle spasms in my legs, most frequently my feet. They’re never more than a millisecond and not painful, my feet just randomly jump. Has anyone else experienced something similar to this/these symptoms? Were you eventually diagnosed or was something else found? Thanks in advance!