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Internal Tremors

I feel quivering or vibrating sensations in my left arm and leg (which is where I experience most of my tingling, weakness, numbness, etc.) it’s so frustrating because even though I’m feeling it all the time it’s not visible to others and after a while of feeling these sensations my muscle feels weak and fatigued. Has anyone experienced internal tremors like this? If so, how did you manage this symptom?

  1. Hi, ! I am sorry you are dealing with these internal tremors. I know that at least a few of our members have shared about experiencing internal tremors. A number of individuals mentioned experiencing them especially at bedtime or during the night, so they tried sleep aid treatments, like CBD products and melatonin. But, please do check with your physician before trying any new treatment, even 'natural' ones.

    Even though others may not be able to see the internal tremors, they are treated in a similar manner to more physically visible tremors. Here's some basic information on tremors and possible treatment options --

    If you haven't done so already, I would definitely talk to your doctor about this issue. He/she should have some ideas for how to treat and manage the tremors and muscle fatigue.

    I hope this helps!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. thank you so much for the info!

  2. I feel the same during the day. At night, I take 600 or 900mg gabapentin to knock me out, so I don’t feel the pain and can get a decent night’s rest sometimes, I also take 1/2 gummy to help me aleep. I honestly don’t know what works 🤷‍♀️ just keep trying based on what others comments and suggestions and hope something works 🙏 wish the same for you

    1. thank you for sharing your experience! Sometimes it’s just nice to know you’re not the only one who feels these weird sensations.

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