I have been diagnosed years ago with Hashimoto's, hyperthyroid, Raynaud's, and suspected Celiac's disease. I have been going to the hospital for years with puzzling symptoms, and just now a doctor thinks I may have MS and will be sending me to an internal medicine specialist with a MRI. I am currently in a flare and my left side of my body is in pain, hand and foot are numb or tingly... My head has so much pressure, it feels like my brain is touching my skull! My side of my face and skull are tender and painful to touch, and I get these sharp pains in my ear and down my throat with muffled hearing. I have also had the "hug." This is not the first time, but now that I have been researching MS I am feeling like this must be it. With my other list of symptoms, it is just too similar. Is there anything else it could be? Is there anything I can do for the pain or to stop this? I already eat organic paleo with no grains, sugar or dairy... Please, any advice right now will help me.