Luckily, we won't have to go that route because there is a program here where they provide an interest free loan to modify owned residences which becomes a grant as long as you meet the requirements. We hope to be homeowners this time next year and that's a great incentive. However, I do wish we had come up on the waitlist sooner. Since we couldn't afford to buy yet, we looked for rentals. I probably could have benefitted from being in a supportive living building. Although a spouse can live with you, my aunt rightly informed me that people she knows that stay in them say that, while they are accessible, they tend to be smaller than regular apartments. Also, our city has tons of apartments, but by them being in older buildings, they tend to have stairs. It's easier for me to have ground level entry, so it ended up taking us a year to find our current place. I am eligible for home health aide services and I put off getting one until we found a place. Now, I realize that we could have possibly made some of those places work by having an aide help me up and down the stairs. But I can't dwell on what we could have done because, as I've heard, "Don't get caught up in the wouldas, couldas, or shouldas because then you end up shoulding all over the place."