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It started off such a great day

Today, I woke up on time and able to pull myself out of bed and get to work on time and in a good mood. The weather was nice, my muscles felt okay, I wasn't trembling or overly spastic. I had about three hours of hope that maybe this wave I've been riding for the last six months might be finally ebbing for a little while. Maybe I can get through today as if it were a pre-December 2023 day. Maybe I can make it through the day without stumbling, without dropping or throwing something, without banging into a wall.

But by mid-morning, with the pressures at work mounting and my energy already waning, I gave in to the realization that this ideal day could be entirely in my rearview mirror.

I made it through and managed to check all the to-do boxes for today, and for that I am very grateful. I sit here now on the couch trying to find a comfortable position to relax my body that has slowly and then quickly betrayed me, and can't find a spot that eases the pressure on all of the spastic muscles.

It was a good day, not a great day. I'm celebrating that I actually ticked all of the items off my list. Sad that as I did the cacophany of symptoms slowly crept in to keep me company and remind me that they're here.

Turning to this community has been amazing. I read through your stories and your discussions and comments and it's like soothing aloe on a burn.

I would love to hear about your day if you'd like to share. ๐Ÿ’œ

  1. ,'
    I was excited to read the first part of your post. Hoping things may have turned a corner for you. It's unfortunate that the excitement (we both felt) was short lived.
    As you mentioned, it was a "good day" and that is something we should certainly be celebrating. I truly hope there are many more good days ahead.
    My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. what a roller coaster this week has been! Highs and lows with both symptoms and external stressors. Yesterday, I actually made it all day with minimal symptoms, despite the exhaustion and despite my car dying the day before and scrambling to get it fixed before my return to work on Monday. I navigated every twist with grace and love that the universe was on my side for the day. I will continue to take each day as they come, and look for the positive at every turn. All we can do at the end of the day is give ourselves grace and love, and allow our souls to heal despite what our bodies go through. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

      1. ,
        It sounds like you got through yesterday like a champ, (despite all that was thrown at you). I'm glad the universe was on your side. Thanks for sharing your experience and wonderful perspective. Here's to many more good days ahead, Doreen (Team Member)

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