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"It's always about you and your MS"

I am a 20 year old woman and got diagnosed with MS in January 2024. I also have a bunch of Mental health issues which I had even before MS which is why I live in a shared apartment for mentally ill adults. We all have our issues here but we usually get along quite well. I have been gradually telling everyone about my MS when I felt the time was right. I didn't feel like keeping it a secret, but I'm kind of regretting it now.

Last Thursday we went on a trip to Italy and it all went kind of fine until the end when one woman from my shared apartment started coming at me for no obvious reason. I won't recount the whole incident but practically she told me it's always about me and my MS. This obviously hit me pretty hard. Yes, MS is making me anxious sometimes and I sometimes talk to our caretakers about it, but I never felt like it should have bothered someone else this much. Today my best friend told me she heard the woman saying: "I'm mad that someone I know isn't feeling as bad as I thought they would" I'm not sure what she thought would happen after she attacked me emotionally, but if she expected me to end up in a psych ward....i almost did so congratulations on that i guess. Some people really are monsters. Sorry for the vent.

  1. It breaks my heart when you apologize for sharing your emotions and your experiences. You have nothing to be sorry for! Your experience is valid and your emotions are yours. I'm so sorry that you had this experience, it's hard to help others understand everything that we experience under the surface. You have my support, and please vent. Every time. Anytime. Don't bottle it up! 💜💜

    1. ,
      Thank you for your kind words of support.
      We're grateful you are part of this community.
      ~Doreen (Team Member)

  2. ,
    I'm sorry you are not getting the support you so need and deserve.
    Most people not affected by MS unfortunately just don't understand.
    It's important to focus on you and try to stay clear of the negativity.
    Always know this community is here for you...reach out anytime.
    Sending hugs, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. thank you, I appreciate this community so much!!

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