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Does mold trigger MS symptoms?

  1. Hi dede74,
    Although everyone reacts differently. Mold can cause inflammation, affect the immune system, and can exacerbate certain autoimmune diseases (including MS).
    ~Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for starting such an interesting and important discussion here. Do you suspect mold in your current home or environment?
      Alene, moderator

      1. im so sorry if I keep posting things, not sure if they are there, but I have images of the mold text I did in the apartment. Mold

      2. yes here is mold test.

    2. I lived in a house that had black mold and other molds in it. I believe it stirred up MS and then it all really reared it's ugly head after I got my gall bladder out. Both of my children kept getting extremely sick and I had no energy and started having severe migraines which prompted me to test for mold.

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