I don't have a dx yet and dr is concerned about my cognitive issues and all the other stuff going on like weakness in leg with abnormal gait, joint pain that comes and goes, headaches, balance issues and so on.
I have an upcoming MRI and wondered if this will show everything that is going on up in the noggin or is a brain MRI based on if they're looking for MS versus dementia versus tumor, etc. AND will it make a difference if the MRI is done while I'm having less issues versus a week that I'm having a flare or whatever it is called with lots of symptoms?
And my other question is for the lab work ordered wondering if it's best to wait for a day that the inflamation, etc is high since this is to rule out things like autoimmune stuff?
With these things costing so much and I've not covered my deductible I don't want to waste the money and hope to go about this the right way. It's taken 3 years to get the referral to this dr.