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MRI results

hi just got my MRI brain scan results back all clear i think ? but my GP is trying to blame my symptoms on a ear infection i had 3 months ago has anyone else hit a brick wall it’s so so frustrating not sure what to do next but i do know my symptoms are real i experienced some of these symptoms 4 yrs ago when i had the CMV & EBV virus any help or advice would be lovely much love annette

  1. ,
    Thanks for the update!
    I'm glad to hear your scans came back clear.
    However, I understand your frustration.
    It's important to be your own best advocate as no one knows your body and symptoms better than you. Have you considered seeking out a neurologist?
    We may have discussed this already, yet It's important to note that many in this community have found a neurologist helpful in diagnosing and treating their MS. I'm sharing this article as you may find it helpful:
    Wishing you all the best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. I'm feeling your pain. The first time MS was put on the table for me was 2010 when I went to a neurologist for some muscle spasms and twitches, paired with numbness and tingling that I didn't even factor in. MRI (without contrast, brain only) clean. Had an influx of new symptoms this last December. Asked my GP for an MRI and a neurology referral. Got a hard no, come to the office for an evaluation. Saw a different GP, got the neurologist referral but no additional testing. Saw the neurologist, got an MRI brain only with contrast. Nothing significant and a basic write off from my neurologist.

      So I decided to fight back. Requested a follow up appointment in person. Requested an MRI on my spine and cervical spine (which is unfortunately pending the follow up). And I have written a list of every symptom, related or not, to give to every doctor I see.

      Then I decided to request an appointment with a GP other than my GP with the reason of testing for autoimmune disease non specific. So I can ask for the blood tests and LP and EP that I know I need.

      I know it's hard and I'm fighting right here beside you! Write everything down, take it with you to every appointment. And, at the end of the day (appointment) if you aren't comfortable with what the doctor says, please speak up and say so. It's so unfortunate that we have to fight to be heard, and that there are so many days that it's hard to actually find the words.

      I'm wishing the very best for you, and I would love to read your updates as much as you are comfortable sharing. 💜

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