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MS & Small Fiber Neuropathy

I recently have been diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. Has anyone with MS been diagnosed with this. I’m still going through the process figure out what caused it.

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your new diagnosis. While I haven't personally had that diagnosis, I'm sure there are many others in our community here who will join the conversation with their firsthand experience.

    Did you find the doctor who have the diagnosis to be helpful in answering questions or providing any additional information. I'm sure as with any new diagnosis there are a lot of questions that you have and information that you're seeking. I'm hoping that you get those answers and information soon!

    Alene, Moderator

    1. My neurologist isn’t giving me any answers. He’s testing me for celiac disease, a Vitamin B deficiency and protein deficiency. I’ve been dealing with extreme fatigue, numbness on my entire right side of my body and a lot of leg pain. My symptoms started 7 years and keep getting worse. I’m not getting many answers and I feel like the doctors don’t believe how bad I feel. My quality of life is very low and I’ve had to leave my dream job. I don’t want to get on disability. I’m scared that I’m not going to get answers and my symptoms will continue to get worse.

      1. Hi there! I am sorry you are going through all that - it can be beyond stressful and I hope you get answers soon. I know it is hard when it doesn’t feel like your doctors believe how bad you feel too. And, it’s hard to not worry about the future and what it will look like, I 100% understand you on that! I hope I am not overstepping with advice here, but as someone who has lived with MS for 18+ years and had lots of concerns about my future especially at the time of diagnosis (I was 19), taking one day at a time is extremely hard, but can be really helpful in staying out of a spiral of worrying thoughts. I try to just constantly remind myself that I am strong and I can handle whatever happens, and no one knows their future, illness or not. Then I try to redirect my energy into the present moment and shift my focus to whatever is going to help me cope with the difficult feeling emotions I am currently experiencing. Some days it is a battle for me and I will be redirecting my thoughts a lot, but other days it is smoother. On the note of a doctor, and you may have done this already, but have to explored going to another one just to get additional opinions? 🧡 Sam, Team Member

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