I feel like I have been getting the run around. I have family members that have MS. I have been diagnosed with everything else but MS. Over the past 20 years my symptoms have gotten worse and not better. Newest diagnose is Seronegative RA, because I had a slight elevated marker on one of the 3. I have endometriosis, IC, seronegative RA, broad based profusion of C3 and C4.
Symptoms happening now are Brain fog- unable to recall facts, problems with speech, unable to remember facts, appearing to not understand.
Tinging in my hands(both)
Pins and needs in my feet
Swelling in my feet.
My lungs felt like I had weight on them for 4 months - after flu in January
Losing balance when I stand
Dropping things
Any help on what I need to do to get to a neurologist. The symptoms I have been experiencing have been happening for the last 4 years and getting worse. Over the last 20 years they have come and gone but no one is putting two and two together.
The memory issues and brain fog are relatively new. When my husband said it has gotten bad, meaning I find the right words to say, can not process some things, and just feel like RA meds are doing nothing. I told my RA doctor that I do not feel better. I have severe fatigue, could sleep all day and still tired. All blood looks good , which is frustrating. I have been on FMLA leave since January, but go back to work next week. I am a teacher. I truly do not know how I am going to function when I go back, because even walking feels like a challenge.