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Weird MS Symptoms

Have you ever experienced what you thought was a "weird" symptom and wondered if others with MS have experienced it too?

Share your "weird" symptom here and see if others have.

  1. Inner ear pain

    1. Same here! I was once told by an ER doctor that I was the healthiest sick person he’d ever seen.

    2. , well, that may be the weirdest, I don't know what to call it? Compliment? Observation? Insult? Whatever you want to call it, that was one unhelpful, but accurate comment!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

  2. So many twitches! Mostly when I'm resting, especially in the morning when I first wake up. I lie in bed feeling random twitches/jerks in my arms, shoulders, hands, legs, feet.. I never know where will twitch next...sometimes one or more per minute.

    1. I have them day and night, even in like back muscles, stomach, etc. it’s not just limbs

    2. my Legs randomly twitch and of course when I’m sitting in the wheelchair. I get it so bad that my legs straighten out where I push my self out the wheelchair. I can feel them coming on but it’s so strong I can’t brace myself.

  3. My recent one has me wondering is this the MS or anxiety. Occasionally I get a feeling like something is crawling on me. It's just in one spot or another, moves all over the body, but there is nothing there. It's quickly there and then gone. Sometimes it'll be once, other times it'll be once here, then in a few seconds again somewhere else.

    1. , I can identify. It's like all of sudden; this little insect is crawling all over my legs, then quickly to my arms. It's like a little mosquito or Nat or something. Then feeling is gone. About 15mins later it happens again. Onley, about 4 or 5 times a week, but weird!!! My neurologist says it's not MS. Then what????

    2. oh yes all the time. Even feels like a spider in my shoes many times when im putting them on. And of course have to check because you never know.
      Besides randomly feeling like there are bugs crawling on different places, i feel like there's a hair on my face or on my lips that's annoying. Sometimes there is but more times not. Can drive you crazy

    1. I get shocked every time I come inside from my deck. The static electricity is awful and then I react so strongly to being startled by it. VERY uncomfortable. I wish I had control over that startle response. It contributes to my inability to drive

    2. I am really startled by loud noises. It is like I feel noises in my spine!

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