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Need Help MRIS

Please need anyone to help me understand WHY Neurologists do not disclose all information that is on your MRIS. There was some very interesting, discerning information on my last MRIS. I have had MS over 14 years, I am declining quite sooner than expected, the reason I say this is because my sister also has MS. When I tell her my symptoms, she becomes quite concerned, we both have Primary Progressive, she has jad MS longer than me. I have more physical disability, cognition is on rapid decline, and I feel like the doctors are not disclosing everything to me. Especially just recently had MRI this month, that stated at the bottom ABORNORMAL FINDINGS BRAIN NEEDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. I haven't heard from anyone, so I am comparing all my old MRIS to this most recent. Background real quick just moved to Charleston SC a year ago from New Orleans, LA had wonderful Neurologists at Tulane, Ochsner...unfortunately the first Neurologist I saw here was not doing exams walking, checking balance, etc. Didn't even care i existed. So I decided to go to VA Hospital, they are extraordinary here, except (I am 100% disabled Veteran), when Neurologists don't want to go over anything with me, plus in my health report put the wrong things down. Anyone ever requested to speak to Neuroradiologists? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am coming to yall because you all are the closest friends I have, well except my two babies Alafair and Ignatius. My 6 year old Boxer and Catahoula/Boxer! Smile today, because each and every one of you ❤ are special and mean so much!!Alafair and Ignatius

  1. Hey, . I wish I had an easy explanation for you as to why neurologists may not go over every aspect of an MRI or why some doctors don't do a full battery of tests/check ups with MS patients. There are probably tons of reasons; they don't want to take the time to explain the complexities of the MRI results, they don't think the changes are significant or matter, they don't have the time, they forget, they are not well versed in MS, etc, etc, etc. Who the heck knows? I think we all know the healthcare system in America is a hot mess. Pretty much every medical practice is understaffed and overbooked and the red tape of insurance just muddies the waters even more. Still, your MRI results with the ALL CAPS note on the bottom should have been addressed immediately.

    I don't know of anyone who has seen or requested to see a Neuroradiologist, so I am not much help there. But, it sounds like in order to get the care you need and deserve, you may need to continue to be your own best advocate and keep pushing for answers. Like you needed more to do, right? Managing your own healthcare can feel like a full time job and you really shouldn't have to do it, but again, it may be your best option for now.

    I hope other community members can chime in here with their personal experiences and advice for you.

    And, as a side note, I LOVE the picture of your cuties. They look so adorable! And their names are amazing. Is there a story behind each name?

    Thank you for reaching out and again, I am sorry I don't have any fabulous words of wisdom for you. But, I am glad you shared!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Erin, as always your kind, caring, and all around awesome!! I can Lay's depend on you trying to help me figure things out with any issues, you're truly a Saint! Thank you, I am exactly what you stated mt own patient advocate now, and I am going head on to get answers, especially after reading your reply!
      Oh my babies "Alafair Robicheaux Wallace " my Boxer, we named her after a literary Character from one of our favorite Authors "James Lee Burke ". My baby boy "Ignatius J. Reilly Wallace", named also after another literary character from famous book in New Orleans "A Confederacy of Dunces". Since they both were born & raised in New Orleans, it seemed appropriate, plus Ignatius is half Catahoula which is state dog. I love them so very much!! Thank you again Erin, I wish more people could offer advice as well, but as long as you reached out that's what makes you FREAKING AMAZING!!

      1. , you're very kind! I'm glad I could offer some moral support as you try to get answers. I wish I could do more, but I am glad what I can offer does help.

        And, thank you for the backstory on your pups' names. Those names are fabulous and I should have guessed they were literary in origin. You put way more thought into your pets' names than I do! I always say I'm gonna give them great, unique names, but then the family can't agree on one name and we end up with really lame pet names. Although, I do have a pet hamster named "Chad" because I thought giving a hamster a very preppy name was hilarious. That's as cool as we've gotten with pet names. Your names are better. 😉

        And yes, keep fighting for yourself. You deserve answers!

        Best, Erin, Team member.

    2. That's hilarious 😆 "Chad" the hamster!! Love it, thank you for making me smile, and especially knowing someone else cares about all of us!! Thank you Erin, sincerely!

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