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No treatments

Anyone here decided to not get treatment for MS?

My husband was diagnosed three months ago and as we see it, every treatment has a cost on your entire body's health. Right now he has no symptoms at all, besides the MS diagnose he is completely healthy, but he has lesions in the brain and spine, one in the brain is active. Anyway, we're afraid to start a treatment that will change his life forever and probably will weaken him to poor quality of life. He's considering not getting treatment while he's improving his lifestyle and diet. Please send me your comments ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  1. Hi . I have a feeling you will get lots of responses to this question because it can be such a controversial topic. Whether to medicate is a personal decision to be made in consult with your husband's doctor. DMTs affect everyone differently because no tow MS journeys are alike. There is no way to measure whether medication is helping except to come off it and see whether new lesions form. Unfortunately, if they do form, you are stuck with them. DMTs can come with some serious side effects, so that has to weigh into the decision as well. Here is an article from one of our advocates about whether to medicate: You will see there are 37 comments on the article. You and your husband might find it helpful to read through them. I hope this helps and that he makes a decision you can both feel good about. Thinking of you. - Lori (Team Member)

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