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Ongoing Sores in Mouth

Does anybody else have issues with getting mouth sores/lesions to heal? I've tried otc gels and numbing agents, mouthwashes, diet changes, and nutritional supplements. Every time I think I have made progress, up pops another one. It is very frustrating as it is hard to eat and limits my choices. Thank you for any advice. BTW: Have talked with PCP with no results.

  1. It may sound strange but try a different toothpaste. Change your toothbrush. I had the same problem and he prescribed a mouthwash. I paid better attention to my oral hygiene and it worked. The sores healed and went away. Best of luck to you.

    1. thank you. Will give it a shot.

  2. I have experienced mouth/tongue problems for years. I’ve seen dentists, ENT, GPs- no one can figure why I have recurring sores ulcers on the sides of my tongue- numbness of my tongue etc. I have had neurological eval and rheumatological work up but no one knows why. I have all of the symptoms everyone mentions who have been diagnosed with MS but my MRI showed no lesions.
    Anyway, I want you to know I understand the frustration and discomfort with the mouth sores. I’ve tried to understand a cause/trigger- I’ve just noticed they seem to be one of the first indicators of a flare up or increase of symptoms cycle. I was prescribed something called “Miracle Mouthwash” which does give me relief from the pain. Perhaps seek that to see if it’s helpful. Take care.

    1. , thanks for sharing this suggestion for ! I have to admit I have never heard of this product, but I am glad it brings you some relief!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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