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My pain has been getting worse and worse. Is this normal?

I was diagnosed in May, and since then my pain has been getting worse and worse. Is this normal? I can't take it anymore.I have been waiting for 3 months for insurance, so I can't see any doctors.

  1. Hi JennTerhune, I'm so sorry to hear that your pain is getting worse. Dealing with it without the ability to see a doctor must be so frustrating, but you are not alone! Several of our contributors have written about living with chronic pain, and I wanted to share one of their articles with you: There are so many different kinds of pain that I also wanted to send you this article that might help suggest different things you can do to manage your specific pain. I hope you can get some relief soon. We know how overwhelming it can be, and our community is always here for you. If you ever feel like it's too much, please make a call to 1-800-273-8255 or chat with them online at We're thinking of you, and please keep us updated on how you're doing!
    -Alina, Team Member

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