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Practical Tips to Manage Heat Sensitivity and Still Have a Life

The summer weather has knocked me out! Utilizing all the strategies I know to manage heat sensitivity. What do you do to stay cool in the warm weather?

  1. , Besides the typical suggestions to battle heat — drink iced drinks, use cooling cloths, stay in the shade, etc — I discovered last summer that temporary icepacks (the kind you 'pop' to make it cool) can be very helpful for those times that real ice is not available. Otherwise I carry around ziploc type bags to put ice in to help cool down. Best, Lisa, MS Team Member

    1. I love the temporary soft ice packs! I always have two in the freezer to alternate when I get a migraine. They never get hard and conform to you (in my case my head) I never thought to use them to stay cool. They are pretty light. Carrying ziplocs is genius!!

      1. I live in Australia so heat is part of life. I find if you sort your diet out and find out what works for you the heat won't be a bother because you have MS.

        1. I found the same with diet. When I completely removed grains I had a much better tolerance to heat. That was the year I could go to the beach and BBQ's. I even went to a summer concert! Then I added back in GF grains and even though they were organic, it made a difference. But being GF and keeping my grain and starches low (white potatoes mainly) I can still deal with the heat better than before. Although I live in NJ so I only have this issue a few months of the year.

        2. Meaning little to no white potatoes for me.

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