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Service dog

Well what a journey, but many of you might yet be worth off. Losing more and more things I was passionate about, proofs to be difficult. Through a suggestion of a special family member, I started to look into training my owner service dog. And was told by many friends that I would do well training one for others as well. So after some time to research, we are now in the process of incorporating a not-for-profit private business, that will train disability assistance dogs. If one door closes, God opens another one. While I am still going through more medical examinations, it gives me something positive and worth while to focus on. Hope you have a four legged partner that makes daily challenging tasks a little easier too😉

  1. Wow! What a fantastic undertaking, ! I hope the incorporation goes smoothly and that you get great satisfaction from training service dogs. They can be lifechanging for some people. Please keep us posted on this new journey. I would love to hear more about it. Best of all wishes! k- Lori (Team Member)

    1. Well I got a different puppy for myself, as my other once are to old. Have the name search done and started a website. I could post it, if it doesn't violate any rules. This puppy already is helping with pulling my sweater off, haha. Of course it's play, but that is what you want. All positive training to create a great partner. I can see that it isn't just the independance you gain back. It really is helping me with being depressed about the whole thing. I deal with PTSD and anxiety without potentially MS. So it is a good thing to focus on. If I can help someone in the future, that would be wonderful.

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