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sinus issues

I have had severe sinus issues with post nasal drip and excessive mucus..I am constantly taking sinus medication and have been given antibiotics which clears it for a little while but then comes back..Has anyone every had this issue

  1. Hi, ! I'm sorry you're dealing with chronic sinus infections. My husband (who does not have MS) dealt with chronic sinus infections for many, many years. It turned out he had a deeply entrenched infection and some structural issues in his sinuses that was hampering a full clearing of the infection. He had surgery, which helped, but he is still prone to the occasional infection. They have definitely decreased, though. My kids seem to be taking after their dad and since they are allergy prone, we have to keep an eye on the post nasal drip and make sure everything (re: mucus) keeps moving and not setting up shop in the sinuses and causing infections. Do you see an ENT about this issue? They may be your best bet for getting to the bottom of what's going on and getting some lasting relief from the chronic infections. And, it may not have to involve surgery. As I mentioned, for my kids, it's all about staying well ahead of the mucus (with allergy meds and mucinex as needed) to keep things moving. Your case may be different. But, I hope this helps and that you can get to the bottom of the problem and stay infection free for a good long while!

    Best, Erin, Team member.

    1. thanks i appreciate the information

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