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Strange symptoms

I have a lot of strange symptoms. From my ribs up is locked, moving my head is harder, it's so tight. Chiropractic does help and loosen me up, but then it goes right back. The tendon in the back of my neck is rock hard. I have a LOT of gas (burping) and it's hard to swallow at times. it feels like a tendon keeps moving in my neck, and my scalp gets so tight, it feels like it's pulling my hair. Also I can barely stop cracking my joints, it feels like if I crack my wrist, my knee with crack, or my neck and my ankle....
I'm not really in pain, it's just so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm a prisoner in my own body!
any explanation? I'm waiting on an order to get a scope. I did have a roux n y 10 years ago.

  1. Hi . Those are some strange (and probably very frustrating) symptoms. Do you have an MS diagnosis already and now have these other symptoms as well, or are you wondering whether these symptoms might point to MS? Have you ever had an MRI of your spine or been referred to either a neurologist or a rheumatologist (or maybe both)? It sounds like you need a doctor who is willing to dig deep and go beyond just a scope. That would address only the digestive issues. We are not medical experts, so we can't give you medical advice, but I wonder whether a rheumatologist can help you since so many of your symptoms seem to be joint related. It might be worth asking for a referral. It is also possible that more than one autoimmune disease is contributing to your discomfort. I hope you get some answers and some relief soon. Keep us posted if your feel comfortable doing so. Wishing you the best! - Lori (Team Member)

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