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My daughter is traveling on a airplane what suggestions can you give her and she is traveling to Florida
Lori Foster Member
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LizaJan68 Member
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LizaJan68 Member
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My daughter is a new ms patient. She is 19 years old just diagnosed and she is in the middle of changing neurologist we are tracking in two weeks to Florida.
Lori Foster Member
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I am glad to hear she is mobile,
judyvarley Member
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Difficulty for me as my MS progressed, and not in a good way, was always difficult. We were given the first seats right behind 1st class because it was a bit roomier, but!!!! The bathroom was at the tail end of the plane and difficult to get there and navigate the smallness. As one of my least favorite symptom was lack of bladder control, therefore the fear of not making it was always there. Finally a couple of years ago a new med came out and it totally licked that problem. Mobility can be difficult for sure, being prepared helps.
colette4 Member
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Erin Rush Community Admin
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Best, Erin, Team Member.