I started having right lower weakness and fasciculations in my calves. I had to stop working, my balance was really bad and I could not walk far at all. My symptoms all over the place cause I also got diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroid disease. I ended up having a seizure 1.5 years ago and was intubated for 2days and in the hospital for 2 weeks. I could only walk 250 steps when I got out. I feel like my muscles are not getting oxygen sometimes.I have double vision and blurry vision I have corrective lenses prisms in my glasses but I can’t wear them because it just feels like my muscles are being polled it’s a horrible sensation. I had CT done with and without contrast they did see a small syrinx but no lesions at that time. My neurologist also gave me an EMG test which the results were not revealing at all. They could not record my muscle weakness. Finally I go to a urologist who tested my bladder for strength and he said my bladder was really bad and there is a possibility at some point I’ll have to self catheterize. They filled me up with the fluid and I can’t push I can’t tell if I’m going to pee or poop and I had an accident in the doctors office when he told me to Pee. I also had a vaso vagal attack during my procedure. Doctor is concerned that I have MS.
List of symptoms this weak
Notes oct 22
Hashimoto’s thyroid disease
Muscle weakness
Muscle loss.down 35 lbs
Muscle fasciculations spasms and pulls
Muscle pain where they insert
Fog and memory loss
Loss of apatite sick feeling
Feet and toes white and blue and red
4 bad nights in a row
Sweats,bedding and pruning
Neck pain
back pain
Nerve pain shooting down legs
Face feels like the skin is tight or pressure
Blurry vision/ Double vision
Blood work is off
Muscle feels acidotic not getting oxygen
Hips feel compressing
Elbows get tight and numb below it
Back and neck have gotten worse
I have gotten back injections
Bad seizure a year and a half ago