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Unsure if I have MS

Hi iam new to the group and just undergoing test bloods & MRI i have had the CMV & EBV virus 4 yrs ago and after i had the same symptoms i have now i had a MRI and all was good according to my GP but my symptoms have come back fatigue muscle weakness tripping over my left foot , numbness and burning pain in my thigh very unbalanced and brain fog and now my eyes feel like i can see smoke the list is long just wondering if anyone else had these symptoms or am i going mad much love annette

  1. ,
    Welcome to the community, we appreciate you reaching out.
    It is quite common for an MS diagnosis to be slow and challenging. This is primarily due to the fact that MS has a wide variety of potential symptoms and can present differently from person to person. Additionally, there is no one single test that can confirm an MS diagnosis.
    I thought I'd share this article that discusses MS symptoms:
    In addition, you may be interested in this article that discusses the diagnostic process:
    I would recommend discussing your concerns and new/changing symptoms with your healthcare provider.
    Here's hoping you find some answers soon. Always know this community is here for help and support.
    My best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. Thanks for the information x

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