Unexpected answers at my first neuro appt. A 2 hour exam plus several specialized eye tests. At this point she does not believe I have MS. She is sending me for a neuro-psych exam to check for Alzheimer's (very early stage). 😲🤯 I have brain shrinkage and the area affected (biparietal lobes) could explain many of my symptoms. I have some kind of palsy in my left eye...so signals aren't getting across between my brain and my eye. She asked about past head trauma and the only thing I ever had was being struck by lightning through an operator's headset in 1979. She believes that this could be the impetus for many of the problems I have had over the years, including a hole in my left eye (not a retinal hole), the palsy, early cataracts and who knows what else it may have jump-started. Back then, if you could get up and walk away from your desk and sign the accident paperwork, you were considered A-OK. So, for now, she is having me evaluated for Alzheimer's. Scary but she said it is very, very early and treatable if I do have it. I expect that, if I clear that hurdle and don't have it, other things will be explored. I do have small lesions scattered in my brain but she believes those are damaged vessels. She did not order a spine MRI. So....that is where I am right now. I want to thank everyone who has been so helpful and supportive to me during this time. I truly appreciate it!