Creating Your Comfort Zone at Home

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) can mean you experience a range of energy levels throughout your day. Its unpredictable nature can make it challenging. That’s why I find it so important to have a place in my home that I call my “comfort zone.” It’s a place where I find comfort and feel relaxed.

What my comfort zone looks like

I’m not talking about a fancy indoor yoga studio or even an entire room. It could be a chair in the corner of a room that, for whatever reason, is my place of peace. Right now, I have an old, hand-me-down chair that I put a slipcover on. It's in the corner of our main bedroom where I love to journal, read, and pray.

It’s my comfort zone. It’s a place to just turn down the volume of the outside world and to do a quiet activity that I enjoy. Do you have a space like this in your home?

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Here are some ideas in case you like the idea of it but need a little inspiration to create the vision for it. And remember, this can be done on any budget. Most times, you can work with what you already have or find something at a garage sale if needed.

What a comfort zone might be for you

Reading nook

Reading can be a great, relaxing escape, whether you’re reading a tangible book, e-book, or audiobook. It can be an escape from daily stressors and a great way to explore new things without having to leave home. To set this up, find a comfortable chair that has good lighting close by. Then, add your favorite accessories – a blanket, throw pillow, or footstool.

Craft corner

I really enjoy crafting, yet too often my materials are stored in the closet. Out of sight, out of mind. In other words, very little crafting was happening in my home. Thankfully, I was able to find an adjustable-height table that was inexpensive and can collapse for easy storage if needed. Thank you, Amazon. Now I just grab a comfortable chair and my supplies, and I’m ready to start crafting.

Journaling spot

Journaling is such an effective way to process and manage the emotions of living with a chronic illness. It requires just a chair, notebook, and pen. Keep it simple so it’s enjoyable and you’re more likely to be consistent with it.

Movement “studio”

Okay, I just like giving it a fancy name. But your movement “studio” can be a sectioned-off area of your garage, basement, family room, or yard. It’s simply having a dedicated area where you like to move your body, whether it be through stretching, lifting weights, or doing cardio. Try to store any equipment that you need in this area. You might have a yoga mat, dumbbells, resistance bands, and even a speaker for some music.

What’s your comfort zone?

What space in your home brings you the most comfort? If this article sparked some ideas for you to create a new space, tell us about that too! Share in the comments below.

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