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Primary Badge Member


Like many others with MS, I do not do well in the heat. It does not matter if the heat is dry or humid. When I am outside in this kind of weather, I start to feel sick to my stomach and have had times when I vomited as a result. Also, the heat activates my impaired balance; weakness with numbness and/or pain in in my left limbs (where my MS is affected); and my cognitive issues to the point that I cannot function. I look at it this way: I feel like a wilted flower beyond its useful life.


Like many others with MS, I do not do well in the heat. It does not matter if the heat is dry or humid. When I am outside in this kind of weather, I start to feel sick to my stomach and have had times when I vomited as a result. Also, the heat activates my impaired balance; weakness with numbness and/or pain in in my left limbs (where my MS is affected); and my cognitive issues to the point that I cannot function. I look at it this way: I feel like a wilted flower beyond its useful life.

About nancy04232004

  • Member Since 2019