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Primary Badge Member


"I keep having Myoclonic seizures. We do not know if they are connected to my MS or, my epilepsy but when they happen my neck and head feel like their trying to spin about... sometimes my arms are affected. I haven't had a full blown seizure in years, that is what leads us to believe my MS is triggering me. It's painful when it happens, and most of the time, I don't even know it's happened until afterwards. It happened today, and I was aware, and it hurt. Alot. Does this happen to others? Is there a blog post on seizures and MS? If not, maybe this could be an idea to explore?"


"I keep having Myoclonic seizures. We do not know if they are connected to my MS or, my epilepsy but when they happen my neck and head feel like their trying to spin about... sometimes my arms are affected. I haven't had a full blown seizure in years, that is what leads us to believe my MS is triggering me. It's painful when it happens, and most of the time, I don't even know it's happened until afterwards. It happened today, and I was aware, and it hurt. Alot. Does this happen to others? Is there a blog post on seizures and MS? If not, maybe this could be an idea to explore?"

About nferia

  • Member Since 2019