Blind Spot: Look Over There!A common symptom people first experience before being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) is optic neuritis. Optic neuritis is basically inflammation of the optic nerve(s) and most commonly results in...Reactions0reactionsComments13 comments
I’m Here. How Can I Help? 5 Ways to Be SupportiveThere’s a lot of pressure and misunderstanding about mental health. Knowing what to say and do can be tricky. You can be a positive force for friends and loved ones...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
MS and the Great OutdoorsWhile camping last summer, we had neighbors directly behind us occupying the ADA site: a young woman and her companion, a young man in a wheelchair. They slept in a...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Caregiver Perspective: Asking for HelpCommunication is a tricky process. When I make a statement, not only am I projecting what I think I intend to say, but I am also creating in my mind...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
How to Handle Anxiety While Living with Multiple SclerosisI’ve lived with symptoms of multiple sclerosis since 1981, was diagnosed in 1986 and thereafter settled into a steady life of numbness, weakness, fatigue and cog fog. After years of...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Gadgets That Make My MS Life EasierDuring a recent surprise heat wave (you know, one of those wacky weather moments where it goes from 55 one day to 82 the next, that we seem to be...Reactions0reactionsComments19 comments
10 Ways to Balance Body and MindMental and physical health are intrinsically linked. Managing the stresses of a physical condition can be mentally and emotionally exhausting. Here we share 10 strategies for coping when you’re feeling...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
A Day OffA day off can seem like a great opportunity to run errands and get things done, but with MS, it can be the only time to take a much-needed rest...Reactions0reactionsComments1 comments
Mobility Aids — Friend or Foe?I had begun to walk like a drunk, and not just on Saturday nights. Within three years of being diagnosed with primary progressive MS, I needed some ambulatory assistance. Without...Reactions0reactionsComments41 comments
MS Research Spotlight: 1 in 5 Misdiagnosed with MS, Brain Training and Memory & MoreMS Research Spotlight covers key research news from the past two weeks. A stunning statistic in recent research coming out of UCLA and the University of Vermont in Burlington finds...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Triple the SurpriseLife has recently surprised us in an extremely large way. You might have read about some of the shock I was feeling in one of my latest articles, When Life...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
Staying Organized to Reduce StressNothing stresses me out faster than not being able to find something. I know this is more of an issue for me today than it was 8 years ago because...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
"When Are You Going to Get Better?"When you suffer from a chronic illness like Multiple Sclerosis, you tend to get some interesting and somewhat baffling questions. One of the more puzzling inquiries that we often receive has...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
Heroes, Role Models, and the Difference Between ThemWe talk a lot about heroes within the MS population. For example, whenever a fellow patient takes up a challenge such as a walkathon fundraiser, we cheer them on and...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I Have Progressive MS, but I Still Can Save the DayIt is understandable to assume that my husband Dan often is seen as the caregiver in our relationship. After all, I’m the one using the wheelchair, and he’s the one...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
The Anxiety of Getting Sick After Immunosuppressive DrugsWhen I was a kid, I didn’t really get sick all that often. Well, no more than everyone else, it seemed. Like most people, I would get the occasional cold...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
When It Comes to MS, Every Selma Deserves a SarahNot long ago, the MS community was amazed when Selma Blair announced that she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Her announcement was comforting to so many with the disease, myself...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Board Up the Windows - Summer is About to HitIt’s generally agreed upon among the multiple sclerosis (MS) community that heat is bad for MS. Uhthoff's phenomenon is the worsening of MS symptoms when exposed to heat (or when...Reactions0reactionsComments20 comments
When Hope Is Not EnoughI was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis in 2001, purchased my first wheelchair in 2008, and by 2016, I could best be described as a quadriplegic. I’m in rough...Reactions0reactionsComments68 comments
MS, Alcohol, and MeDuring a typical week, other than hanging in my yard with my dog, I manage to get out of the house about one to two times. When I do get to...Reactions0reactionsComments37 comments