Easy Assembly: The Life of My Hands After MSIn 2012 I had a major relapse that sent me to the hospital in excruciating pain that a shot of Dilaudid (Hydromorphone) barely took the edge off. I remember my...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
FES As a Way to Improve Mobility of People with MSFoot drop is when disruption to the nerve pathways between the legs and brain means that the front of the foot cannot be lifted to the correct angle when walking...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments
An Uncomfortable Truth: No $ In CuresIn a development more shocking than the capture of a live Bigfoot, a recent Goldman Sachs research report (click here and here) states in black-and-white what many have long suspected:...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
The Emotional Roller Coaster of an MS Diagnosis, Pt 2In Part 1, I shared how the news of some recent friends' diagnoses (or suspected diagnoses) of MS have, in some ways, triggered memories of my own emotional roller coaster...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
Independence Valued“But I wipe my own a--! I wipe my own a--!” cried the little boy, Julian, in the movie Big Daddy as he was pulled from the adoptive home he’d...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
I’m Not Broken Because I Use a WheelchairI opened my email and read the headline, “Out of the Wheelchair and Onto a Bicycle: Dr. Terry Wahls' Story.” I looked at Dan and rolled my eyes. Not that...Reactions0reactionsComments56 comments
Cognitive Dysfunction: When Reading Becomes a ChoreThe symptoms that go along with cognitive dysfunction because of multiple sclerosis are areas that I talk about a lot. The cognitive problems that have hit me in the years...Reactions0reactionsComments17 comments
Something Worse than MSMultiple sclerosis is hard to live with, on that we can agree. But I’ve heard some pretty strange things from people over the years about stuff that vexes them more...Reactions0reactionsComments2 comments
The Itch Is RealI’ve recently been weaning off of Cymbalta for personal reasons. With the wean I have noticed a lot of withdrawal symptoms. My worst symptoms so far have included fatigue, intense...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Dating with a Disease – Part Three: Intimate Issues (Doing It Dilemmas)As I continue on in my series about dating topics, I may not being going in any particular order. I may also cover topics that apply to marriage, too (though...Reactions0reactionsComments4 comments
Touch Typing: One Way MS Has Affected My HandsI used to type pretty fast. Growing up, I remember taking computer classes that (among other things) focused a lot on the proper way to type. Each of your 8...Reactions0reactionsComments31 comments
My Muddy Multiple SclerosisAttempting to describe what living with Multiple Sclerosis is like can actually be a very difficult venture. Cognitive problems, limited knowledge about the disease among many people, and the invisible...Reactions0reactionsComments45 comments
Finding Direction When Newly Diagnosed – MSAA’s Newest Edition of The Motivator Available NowThe Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) is excited to announce the latest edition of our magazine, The Motivator, is now available in print and digital versions! Featuring our cover...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Driving & MS: Realizing Potential DangersAs I write this, it’s been about two weeks since a Staten Island woman, claiming to suffer from Multiple Sclerosis, mowed down and killed two young children in a crosswalk...Reactions0reactionsComments10 comments
Do You Know Enough about Where to Learn More? Here's How to Become Better-InformedThese days, you have to know an awful lot to know the right thing to do. People with MS can never know enough about MS. Many of us feel that...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
MS and a MovieI love movies. I love how they can be used to tell so many different types of stories and evoke so many different kinds of emotions, not only by how...Reactions0reactionsComments25 comments
PML, the JC Virus, and MisconceptionsMany people with Multiple Sclerosis live with a pretty big fear of three letters: PML. The very mention of this acronym, which stands for Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy, can be terrifying to...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
Your Bladder Issue Questions Answered by Your Pelvic Floor FriendsTheir first video for MultipleSclerosis.net got a lot of attention - and a lot of questions. Kathy Reagan Young of FUMSnow.com and Erin Glace, Pelvic Floor Dysfunction PT, return in...Reactions0reactionsComments0 comments
Diagnosing MS Isn't Easy — Here's WhyThis article is for undiagnosed people that go to online MS forums, list their symptoms, and ask if they have MS. It’s also for those who track their symptoms, Google...Reactions0reactionsComments5 comments
15 Years a Progressive MSerYou think back and it seems like a million years ago, or yesterday. The first Sunday of March 2003, an unusually cold day for that time of year. Despite the...Reactions0reactionsComments18 comments