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Samantha Salvaggio

Headshot of Samantha SalvaggioSamantha is a Chronic Illness Guide, Creator and Certified Patient Leader who has been living with multiple sclerosis for over 17 years. She uses her education (BS in Pharmaceutical Sciences and MS in Nutrition) and lived experience to inform and empower others with chronic illness. Sam is the founder of LIFT by Sam. LIFT stands for Living with Illness and F*cking Thriving and everything she does is designed to help others do just that. Whether it be on her TikTok, Instagram, Blog or in the shop, you can expect a straightforward and authentic take that shows you that you are not alone in the ups and downs of your journey. In her spare time, Sam loves to spend time outside gardening (she lives on 10 acres), or inside reading or hanging out with her husband and two cats."

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