
Over the years, MultipleSclerosis.net has lost powerful voices in the MS community. Hear the stories of those who are no longer with us as we celebrate their lives and messages.

Patrick Leer

Over a quarter century ago in the beginning of “living with MS as a family” there was nothing available about MS spouse caregiving. He would bundle up their toddler daughter and transfer Patti out of her wheelchair and into their car to drive to their local library where he poured over hardback volumes of the New England Journal of Medicine. Read more.

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Dianne Scott

Hello. I’m Dianne and I have MS. Lol…that pretty much sounds like an introduction at an AA meeting, but in actuality, officially as of 7/13/07, my diagnosis date, that became my truth. However, MS doesn’t define me because who I am is a proud Christian, African American woman that’s a strong and courageous single mother of 2, a loving, devoted daughter, sister, auntie and a loyal friend that happens to have Multiple Sclerosis. Read more.

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